Aishwarya.K , Chennai

Submit the next assignment as indicated below by 19th october.

next assignment sent by email.

I have sent you some assignment by email. submit them.

submit the above assignment by 23rd jan.

I hope you are doing your daily freehand practice relegiously. there are a number of ways you can draw the presentation lines neatly. you just need to figure out a way that works for you. these are different ways you can achevie a good quality line using sketchpen / ball point pen. 1. draw a single curve in one stroke. 2. draw a single curve in multiple strokes. in this method care should be given to make sure that the 2 consecutive strokes does not form a thick visible point or mark on the line. the consecutive strokes need to merge neatly with one another. 3. you can use a B pencil to draw the final dark lines if you are comfortable with it.

alternatively if by using a sketch pen you are getting a thick line, try using a new sketch pen (this will have a stiffer tip and will give you relatively thinner lines)

please correct your freehand line quality and resubmit the drawing by 7th dec.

good improvement. please do the above assignment and submit by 18th Nov. i will send you some freehand practice assignments through mail. take multiple copies of them and practice your freehand line quality daily.

Dear Aishwarya,

you need to give conscious effort while attempting the assignments. try to understand the purpose of each assignment and why you are doing this. most of the curves you have drawn are not of expected quality. take time. draw lines carefully. we need to see improvement from one drawing to the other one. send me 2 drawings that have got excellent quality curves. please submit your assignment by 28th september.


lets us give more attention to your line quality. submit the above assignment by 16 th september. you need to do the assignment atleast 6 times and submit the jpegs. use a pencil first(3 attempts) and a black sketch for the other 3. take your own time and do it carefully. the freehand lines should be very neat and free flowing

are you using the grid method? please confirm.

Dear Aishwarya
Your progress is not satisfactory. PLease read the freehand drawing chapter from the book thoroughly. go through the this link and read the comments given on freehand drawings done by students. Analyse and write down( in comments section) in point wise what you have understood from them. Submit your review by 15th july.Reatempt your first sketch again. donot color the image. let there be only the pencil lines along with the grid you draw for guide.

Dear Aishwarya,

we will focus on improving your freehand drawing first.Please read through the freehand drawing chapter from the our books and attempt the assignments given in it.Please submit atleast 2 assignments (patterns) from the book by 7th of July 2008

Tips -Use the grid method.Focus on proportion and scale of the pattern


1 comment:

purnima said...

which skool r u in?