Akanksha Bindal, Palampur

Submit DAy 2,3,4 sketches to continue with your sketch course.


akansha said...

dear sir, Plz suggest me some better composition for triangles, pentagon, circle, diamond.............also plz gimme some tips to improve my sketches

umesh said...

1. you need to become aware of the famous artsist works.
2. you need to consciously apply design principles for making attractive 2d / 3d composition
3. you need to be prompt in submiting your sketch development assignments to improve your sketches and sketching skills.

where are the drawings you were required to submit?...without them how do you expect me to guide you???

akansha said...

dear Sir,
i'h send u 2 theme sketches...plz give me ur valuable opinion for the same.And plz suggest me some theme sketches...as i'm going to appear in NATA exam on 22nd of this month.