Good attempt. however 3d effect can be done a lot better. try to intensify the pencil shading and bring more contract to the sketch. for next assignment sketch a lake side park. submit it by 7th feb
draw a theme of Republic day parade and submit hte drawing by 7th feb. try to shade the drawing and give 3d effect
implement the feedback and submit your 3d assignment, along with theme sketch (shading effects) by 3rd feb 2009.
imagine a light source (sun) in the front. now draw shades and shadows of the objects on ground and other elements near to the object. submit the drawing by 15th jan.
draw a theme of construction site and submit the drawing by 9th jan.
your next assignment is to draw a detailed human figure on the already developed human sillhoutes (developed from stick figures). submit one well detailed human being. spend time to analyse and draw the details as accurately as possible. submit your drawing by 9th jan 2009.
your next submission- is to generate 5 stick figures doing different activities. draw well proportioned human sillhouts corresponding to the stick figures. submit this by 8th jan.
draw a theme of construction site and submit the drawing by 9th jan.
your next assignment is to draw a detailed human figure on the already developed human sillhoutes (developed from stick figures). submit one well detailed human being. spend time to analyse and draw the details as accurately as possible. submit your drawing by 9th jan 2009.
your next submission- is to generate 5 stick figures doing different activities. draw well proportioned human sillhouts corresponding to the stick figures. submit this by 8th jan.
let us start learning to draw people. i have sent you a mail with an image. draw it and submit the drawing by 7th jan09.
the sketch need to be more dynamic. take cues form the doodle below and redaw a detailed sketch.
the drawing looks static when drawn from birds eye veiw ( the way you have drawn above). to make it dynamic, choose a view from normal eye level. redraw the above sketch by visualising an approaching train from normal eyelevel. check out purnimas' sketch on thesame theme. submit your drawing by 3rd jan 2009
let us first perfect in drawing hte basic sketch with perspective correct. lateer we can dd people and stuff. so now can you use the same ope point perspective princliples and draw a railway platfom with a train arriving?. submit the drawing by 27th evening.
implement the feedback and submit the drawing by 23th dec
correct the above drawing. draw a shoe shop interior using one point perpsective. submit the drawing by 19th dec.
pleaase submit the children's bedroom sketch by 18th dec
Dear Akriti, keep experimenting with the colors. read the color chapter and design princples chapter from the book. try to use those concepts while coloring.
though you qualify this test, i feel you could have done coloring in a much better way. please do it using water colors and lets see the effect. submit the drawing by 7th dec.
Your freehand and coloring skills are good. with this performance you can easily score marks between 35-40 out of 50. what we are trying next is to take your skills from good to great.this is your next task. color the boxes using all the poster colors you have. one color per square.scan it and save.(task-1). try giving a gradation effect to each of the squares on top of the dried poster color using darker or lighter shade of the same color using crayons. scan and send both the jpegs by 17th nov. i want to see a 3 dimensional coloring effect in each of these squares.
Good Job. go through the feedback and try incorporating it .
How much time have you taken for coloring the one above with poster colors?Also go through the colour chapter from the book. read about the color combinations and please recolor this pattern using atleast 4 different poster colors. come up with 3 different color combinations ( so 3 assignments). try to keep the total time within 30 mins for each coloring assignment. submit the assignment by 13th october.
you could have erased the grid before darkening the lines with sketch pen. now lets move onto the coloring part. color the above assignment in 3 different mediums you are comfortable with and submit the 3 drawings by 6th of nov.
Dear Akriti, you are doing a great job. am very happy with your progress. Keep up your good work. please redo the above assignment, draw good dark crisp smooth flowing lines. if you pass that assignment we wil go to the next stage- coloring the drawing.
Please submit the above 2 assignments by 16th of september. Focus on proportion and line quality.
good. next time use a black sketch pen.
good Job. now, can you darken the freehandlines with a black sketch pen and resubmit the drawing again? make sure the lines you redraw with sketch pen are neat & crisp
Proportions have come out good. Now focus on the smoothness of the lines. Make sure the color intensity of line is uniform though out the drawing. Do the corrections and submit the image by August 1st. - Umesh
Dear Arkti,
Good progress. PLease read the freehand drawing chapter from the book thoroughly. go through the this link and read the comments given on freehand drawings done by students. Analyse and write down( in comments section) in point wise what you have understood from them. Submit your review by 15th july.Reatempt your first sketch again. This time Take a zerox copy of the question figure , draw in the same page and send us the scan. donot color the image. let there be only the pencil lines along with the grid you draw for guide.regards
Dear Akrti,
we will focus on improving your freehand drawing first.
Please read through the freehand drawing chapter from the our books and attempt the assignments given in it.
Please submit atleast 2 assignments (patterns) from the book by 4th of July 2008
Tips -
Use the grid method
Focus on proportion and scale of the pattern
the sketch need to be more dynamic. take cues form the doodle below and redaw a detailed sketch.
the drawing looks static when drawn from birds eye veiw ( the way you have drawn above). to make it dynamic, choose a view from normal eye level. redraw the above sketch by visualising an approaching train from normal eyelevel. check out purnimas' sketch on thesame theme. submit your drawing by 3rd jan 2009
let us first perfect in drawing hte basic sketch with perspective correct. lateer we can dd people and stuff. so now can you use the same ope point perspective princliples and draw a railway platfom with a train arriving?. submit the drawing by 27th evening.
implement the feedback and submit the drawing by 23th dec
correct the above drawing. draw a shoe shop interior using one point perpsective. submit the drawing by 19th dec.
pleaase submit the children's bedroom sketch by 18th dec
Dear Akriti, keep experimenting with the colors. read the color chapter and design princples chapter from the book. try to use those concepts while coloring.
though you qualify this test, i feel you could have done coloring in a much better way. please do it using water colors and lets see the effect. submit the drawing by 7th dec.
try doing as said above. next assignment is to answer the mock test 2 freehand drawing question and submit the same by 20th nov. try to implement all the skills you have learnt so far. the assignment will be evaluated for 50 marks.
Your freehand and coloring skills are good. with this performance you can easily score marks between 35-40 out of 50. what we are trying next is to take your skills from good to great.this is your next task. color the boxes using all the poster colors you have. one color per square.scan it and save.(task-1). try giving a gradation effect to each of the squares on top of the dried poster color using darker or lighter shade of the same color using crayons. scan and send both the jpegs by 17th nov. i want to see a 3 dimensional coloring effect in each of these squares.
Good Job. go through the feedback and try incorporating it .
Dear akrti,
you should keep the final drawing look clean and neat. no shabby coloring, no incomplete illegible outer lines, no missing lines. since you are using poster colors you require a special strategy to complete the drawing wth coloring in 60 mins. let us do that strategy later, for now try to follow the above instructions. next assignment is to color all the free hand drawing assignment you have done so far. color each freehand drawing in atleast 2 different color cominations that you have not used before. submit them by 16th otober.
How much time have you taken for coloring the one above with poster colors?Also go through the colour chapter from the book. read about the color combinations and please recolor this pattern using atleast 4 different poster colors. come up with 3 different color combinations ( so 3 assignments). try to keep the total time within 30 mins for each coloring assignment. submit the assignment by 13th october.
you could have erased the grid before darkening the lines with sketch pen. now lets move onto the coloring part. color the above assignment in 3 different mediums you are comfortable with and submit the 3 drawings by 6th of nov.
Dear Akriti, you are doing a great job. am very happy with your progress. Keep up your good work. please redo the above assignment, draw good dark crisp smooth flowing lines. if you pass that assignment we wil go to the next stage- coloring the drawing.
Please submit the above 2 assignments by 16th of september. Focus on proportion and line quality.
good. next time use a black sketch pen.
good Job. now, can you darken the freehandlines with a black sketch pen and resubmit the drawing again? make sure the lines you redraw with sketch pen are neat & crisp
excellent. please do the next assignment and submit by 16th August
Proportions have come out good. Now focus on the smoothness of the lines. Make sure the color intensity of line is uniform though out the drawing. Do the corrections and submit the image by August 1st. - Umesh
Dear Arkti,
Good progress. PLease read the freehand drawing chapter from the book thoroughly. go through the this link and read the comments given on freehand drawings done by students. Analyse and write down( in comments section) in point wise what you have understood from them. Submit your review by 15th july.Reatempt your first sketch again. This time Take a zerox copy of the question figure , draw in the same page and send us the scan. donot color the image. let there be only the pencil lines along with the grid you draw for guide.regards
Dear Akrti,
we will focus on improving your freehand drawing first.
Please read through the freehand drawing chapter from the our books and attempt the assignments given in it.
Please submit atleast 2 assignments (patterns) from the book by 4th of July 2008
Tips -
Use the grid method
Focus on proportion and scale of the pattern
Dear Sir,
I cannot find the topic on free hand sketches. And this link has only human stick figure topics covered. Could you please let me know as to where I can find it?
Thank you,
Dear Akrti,
We have sent you 3 sets of books. in those books you can find a chapter on Freehand Drawing. you need to study that and attempt the pattern given and send a scan of it back to us. Incase you have not got the books please send a reminder mail to mentioning the same.
Dear Sir,
These are some common points I observed:
1. Proportion and similarity of the drawing. Close observation of lines with respect to grid.
2. Even and smooth lines.
3. Never leave an empty space at the background of a theme sketch.
4. Over all perspective, 3D effect of the sketch needs to be taken into consideration.
5. Even application of colour.
6. Interesting colour combination.
7. Outlines should be drawn using 2B or B pencils.
8. Colouring at an angle of 45 degrees, or along the shape of the curves.
9. Clear and neat human figures should be drawn.
10. Shading and hatching should be done to add volume to the sketch.
Your's sincerely,
good. please attempt the freehand drawings one more time as per the instructions given and send the jpegs asap
Dear Sir,
I didn't undertand... I sent you the first sketch u asked me to send you, shall i do the second one as well? Without the colour and only the grid. (the pink one)
Thank you,
sorry, i didnt see your submission. i got it know, will give you feedback in a days time.
Dear Sir,
I have my tests, starting this Monday. Is it alright if i submit the assignment on Saturday(23rd)?
sure, no problem.
Dear Sir,
I have submitted my sketch already. But I realised now, that the lines should be black, I am really sorry for that. Shall I do one with black lines or are the red lines ok?
Dear Sir,
I have submitted my sketch.
got it. will update in 3 days.
It's been 2 weeks since I submitted my assignment. When can I expect my feedback?
Dear Akrti,
i think i have not got your recent assignment.did you redo the drawings requested ? if yes, please resend the drawings you have done to
Dear Sir,
What about the texture and shading? Should I do the sketch only with people/building and no shading?
yes. get the basic sketch correct for now. will do the shading later.
Have you recieved my assignment?
yep , got is on its way.....check it out in hte morning
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