correct the shading in 3d assignment. Submit the next mocktest by 20th April.
1. design a 2d logo for a restuarant. color it appropriately
2. design a 3d sculpture to be installed infront of an architecture college.
3. you are travelling in a busy city bus. draw what you see.
Submit next mock test by 12th April.
Redo the 3d and 2d composition as per the feedback. submit them by 9th April.
Submit the next mocktest by 7th April.
What pencils are you using for rendering the theme sketches?...with the current pencils that you use, can you bring the contrast as shown in the Math. attempt it and send in the sketch.
Update your perspective sketch and submit it by 5th April.
attempt next mock test and submit by 25th March.
Draw and submit hthe sketch as per the feedback by24th March.
Correct and resubmitthe drawings by 22nd march
Attempt the next mock test and submit by 8th March
Correct your sketches and resubmit by 1st March.
Attempt mock test 1 and submit the sketches by 15th Feb. also improve your below assignments.
well you got to come up with decent 2d abstract compositions. I suggest you to put some more time on this exercise and expore more abstract forms , based on design principles. I have sent you some asasignments on designpricnciples. submit them by 1st Feb.
create 5 compositions with the sillhoutes of a clock, 3 pin plug, tooth picks and a tennis ball. get creative in the way you represent these 3d objects in 2d form. submit them by 25 th jan.
read it as - Create 5 different interesting 2 D compositions following design principles, with 3 circles, Numbers 3 ,5,7 and symbol $. Color the compositions with any 4 colors. Submit the assignment by 18th Jan 2010.
Create 5 different interesting 2 D compositions following design principles, with 3 circles, Numbers 3 ,5,7 and symbol $. Color the compositions with any 4 colors. Submit the assignment by 11th Jan 2010.
I have sent you 6 assignments by email. Submit them on 1st Jan 2010. you will get feedback by 4th Jan 2010.
redo/reattempt/correct your sketches as per the feedback. This is your next assignment. There is a yearend holiday closing for DQLABS from 21st Dec to 31st Dec. You would not receive any feedback or new assignments during this time. So please submit your assignment by 19th Dec to get a week load of new assignments prior to the DQLABS Year end Holiday Closing
Submit your next set of asignments by 14th Dec.
I have sent you new assignment, submit it by 7th Dec.
I have sent you a new assignment by email. submit it by 30th NOV
Create similar sort of shading for all your exercises. I have send you next assigment by email. submit it by 16th NOV.
Submit your Assignment as instruced below by 9th Nov.
lets work on improving your rendering and shading skills first, then proceed further to theme sksetching and 2d composition. ihave sent your next assignment by email. submit it by 30 th october.
pretty good work
Your coloring is mind blowing
can you please tell me what colors
you have used
Thnx Juneza..
I've combined both Steadtler and Maped color pencils, though I would prefer Maped, since they are very smooth.
hey jeena, u r very creative.... i love ur coloured as well as shaded pictures
Thnku so much Sneha...
hi jeena, ur drawings were wow! coloring was good. one doubt, can we use scale in nata examination??
@Guru: thanks =)
definitely scales are allowed..u have the option of using ur whole geometry box set
@soniya:thanku =)
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